
  • trespass box office cage
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  • Directed By: Joel Schumacher
  • Written By: Karl Gajdusek
  • Release Date: October 14, 2011
  • Domestic Distributor: Millennium
  • Cast: Nicolas Cage, Nicole Kidman, Ben Mendelsohn

Box Office Info:
Budget: $28.3 million Financed by: Nu Image/Millennium
Domestic Box Office: $24,094 Overseas Box Office: $9,588,375

trespass cage kidman
The gross budget for Trespass was $38,674,575 and after a large Louisiana tax credit, the net budget was $28.3 million.  It was financed by Nu Image/Millennium, which also pre-sold Stolen to overseas distributors, which would cover a good portion of the budget.  Millennium had been Nicolas Cage’s best employer for years, as they handed him many starring vehicles, all of which were money losers.  Their working relationship began with the so bad it’s good The Wicker Man (2006), Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans (2009), Drive Angry (earlier in 2011), Trespass and Stolen (2012).

With Cage’s stock as a bankable star diminishing with each consecutive paycheck film, Trespass began a new era of Cage films being opened in a handful of theaters and simultaneously on VOD.  Millennium handled the stateside release after distributors passed on both Trespass and Stolen and they gave the movies a penny pinching release.

Trespass landed terrible reviews and was dumped into 10 theaters and pulled in all of $24,094.  It lasted one week in release.

Strong pre-sales to distributors were based off of the bankable names of Cage and Nicole Kidman and the film managed only $9.5 million in theatrical receipts from its offshore release.  Ascot Elite acquired rights in Germany during the pre-sales, only to send it straight to video and it was dumped straight to video in Australia and Italy.  Nic Cage publicly expressed his displeasure that Trespass opened on VOD the same day as the limited theatrical release, but with almost every subsequent Cage vehicle being relegated to VOD, this is something he has probably acclimated to.

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