Drive Angry

  • drive angry box office
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  • Directed By: Patrick Lussier
  • Written By: Todd Farmer, Patrick Lussier
  • Release Date: February 25, 2011
  • Domestic Distributor: Summit
  • Cast: Nicolas Cage, Amber Heard, William Fichtner

Box Office Info:
Budget: $41.1 million Financed by: Nu Image/Millennium
Domestic Box Office: $10,721,033 Overseas Box Office: $30,165,431

The gross budget for Drive Angry was $48,299,159 and after a large Louisiana tax credit, the net budget was $41.1 million.  Nu Image/Millennium financed.   Schlock specialists Millennium had also been Nicolas Cage’s best employer for years, as they handed him many starring vehicles, all of which were money losers.  Their working relationship began with The Wicker ManBad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans (2009), Drive Angry and Trespass (2011) and Stolen (2012).

Summit handled international sales and distributed in the US.  Drive Angry was dated for February 25 which was just one month after another subpar genre movie starring Cage Season Of The Witch was in theaters.  Summit invested into a solid marketing spend, but tracking was pointing to a soft $10 million opening.  Drive Angry bowed against Hall Pass and was dead on arrival with $5,187,625 — placing #9 over the slow weekend led by Hall Pass.  Audiences gave the film a poor C+ cinemascore and Drive Angry sank 57.1% to $2,225,659 in its second frame and then promptly lost most of its theater count. The domestic run closed with just $10,721,033.  Summit would see back about $5.8 million after theaters take their percentage of the gross, which barely dents the ad spend.

Drive Angry did poor business in almost every overseas territory and grossed just $30,165,431, which would post losses for the dozens of distributors who picked up the expensive 3D title.  Cage’s star power certainly took a hit, which had been waning from over exposure in paycheck projects.

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  1. I wish there was a sequel, it could be about how cage comes back to check on his granddaughter and finds out some trouble after the girls. I totally love the hummer and really awesome cheesy effects of this film and believe that it can make a huge comeback with the generation now. The public wasn’t ready, this film was ahead of it’s time at the time of release.

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