Shark Night 3D

  • Shark Night 3d box office
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  • Directed By: David R. Ellis
  • Written By: Will Hayes, Jesse Studenberg
  • Release Date: September 2, 2011
  • Domestic Distributor: Relativity
  • Cast: Sara Paxton, Dustin Milligan, Chris Carmack

Box Office Info:
Budget: $28,623,000 Financed by: Sierra Pictures; Incentive Filmed Entertainment
Domestic Box Office: $18,877,153 Overseas Box Office: $21,259,326

The budget for Shark Night 3D was $28,623,000 (as per the Louisiana Film Commission) and Sierra Pictures and Incentive Filmed Entertainment financed.  Sierra pre-sold the picture, which kicked off at the 2010 Cannes Film Festival and sales were strong.  Relativity scooped up US rights for this toothless PG-13 horror pic.  Relativity had just expanded its operations from financier to full distributor, which began in December 2010 with the flop The Warrior’s Way.

Shark Night 3D was dated for the slow Labor Day frame, which was the same weekend that director David R. Ellis’ previous 3D horror picture The Final Destination was released on in 2009.  It bowed against The Debt and the cheap found footage horror entry Apollo 18, which likely cannibalized the same audience.  Shark Night was not screened for critics and the reviews that eventually posted were dreadful.

Shark Night 3D pulled in $8,404,260 — placing #4 for the weekend led by the holdover The Help.  The film received a poor C cinemascore from audiences, which is not unusual for the genre, but it sank 59.4% in its second frame to $3,408,413.  The domestic run closed with only $18,877,153.  Relativity would see returned about $10 million after theaters take their percentage of the gross, which would not cover the P&A expenses or any of the acquisition cost.

Overseas total amounted to $21.2 million across numerous distributors, with its strongest showing in Russia at $5.4 million.

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