I Know Who Killed Me

  • I Know Who Killed Me box office
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  • Directed By: Chris Sivertson
  • Written By: Jeff Hammond
  • Release Date: July 27, 2007
  • Domestic Distributor: Sony
  • Cast: Lindsay Lohan, Julia Ormond, Neal McDonough

Box Office Info:
Budget: $12 million (estimated) Financed by: 360 Pictures
Domestic Gross: $7,498,716 Overseas Gross: $2,171,042

We normally do not do write-ups on lower budgeted fare like this, but we’ll make a special exception for I Know Who Killed Me, one of the worst movies ever made.

Before Tom Gores bought the Detroit Pistons in 2011, he formed a financing and production company called 360 Pictures.  In March 2006, Gore landed a domestic distribution pact with Sony for his company’s projects, which would be youth targeted and capped at $15 million budgets.  360 Pictures has only a library of 5 movies, all of which are garbage.  The company’s first picture was the abysmal Crossover (2006); the pretentious trainwreck I Know Who Killed Me; then the straight to video Species: The Awakening; a straight to video remake of April Fool’s Day; and a failed attempt at legitimacy with a Gus Van Sant dud Restless (2011).

After Lindsay Lohan’s cocaine fueled behavior disrupted production on Just My Luck and Georgia Rule, offers were drying up and she signed onto this travesty, which ended her career as a bankable name.  I Know Who Killed Me was financed by 360 Pictures for an estimated $12 million and Summit handled pre-sales to overseas distributors.

Sony dated this stinker as counter-programming to The Simpsons Movie on July 27, 2007.  In late May, Lohan was arrested for DUI and possession of cocaine and the media made a giant spectacle of chronicling her downfall and she was ultimately reduced to a punchline by the time this film was in theaters.  Another DUI/cocaine arrest 3 days before the movie’s release didn’t do much to help the bad buzz surrounding the picture.  Sony dumped the movie into 1,320 theaters and did not screen it for critics.  The reviews that eventually posted were as bad as they come, with most critics declaring I Know Who Killed Me one of the worst movies of all time.  No Reservations and Who’s Your Caddy? also bowed that weekend.

Sony gave the picture a modest, but still expensive prints and advertising spend, which was a bust when it opened with a terrible $3,506,291 — placing #9 for the weekend led by The Simpsons Movie.  Audiences awarded I Know Who Killed Me with a rare and hateful F cinemascore and predictably the film sank 66.8% to $1,165,378 in its second frame and promptly lost most of its theater count.  It quickly closed its run with just $7,498,716.  Sony would see returned about $4.1 million after theaters take their percentage of the gross.

Overseas, the movie saw a small release which pulled in $2.1M across multiple distributors and it went straight to video in most markets.

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