
Going Solar: The Benefit of Alternative Energy

Solar power is a type of renewable and natural energy that harnesses the power of the sun’s rays to provide electricity.

How does solar work?

There are two main ways to harness this energy. The first, known as photovoltaics or PV, is through the use of solar panels, which absorb the sun’s light and converts them into electrical impulses, which generate electricity. The second is called concentrating solar-thermal power or CSP and involves using mirrors to capture the heat of the sun’s rays, which can be used as a power source or stored for later use.


How can solar help?

There are many benefits to solar power, including the fact that it can be used almost anywhere and that it will continue to work as long as the sun continues to burn in the sky. There are also many financial benefits, including reduced energy costs, an increase in a home’s value, and federal incentives, which we’ll discuss a little later on. Perhaps its greatest value is that homes can continue to receive electricity even if the city power grid goes down.


Different types of solar power systems: 

There are three types of solar power systems available for homes: grid-tied, off-grid, and hybrid. 


The first, a grid-tied system, is tied directly to the city’s power grid, allowing homeowners to use city power if there isn’t enough sunlight to generate enough electricity.


In an off-grid system, the residence is completely cut off from the city’s power system and relies entirely on solar power and battery backups.


A hybrid system uses battery backups but is also tied to city power. In some places, any extra energy stored by a residence can be sent back to the city to power its grid and the owner can receive a credit on their power bill.

What to know before converting:

Before converting to solar energy, there are a few factors to consider. First, you’ll have to consider whether or not it’ll be sustainable in your area. If you live in Arizona, you’re almost guaranteed to have enough sunlight. If you live in Alaska or somewhere more northern, you might not get enough sunlight in winter to make the project sustainable.



You’ll also want to consider local laws and regulations, the amount of money you’d save by using solar, and whether you’d like to buy the system for a permanent installation or whether you’d like to lease it for a while to see if your needs will be met.


Government assistance 

Speaking of money, there are several rebate programs and incentives available. The cost of installation can be written off of a federal tax return using the Federal Solar Energy Credit. Some states also offer tax credits and other incentives for solar energy users and, as mentioned above, some cities also offer energy bill credits for users of hybrid solar panel systems.

If you live in the Arizona area and are considering going solar, the friendly experts at Avena Solar can help you decide the perfect setup for your situation.  If you’d like to reduce your energy costs and start using the sun’s rays for your benefit, visit their website today! You can also check which energy provider offers a cheap energy plan. You will still need electricity in case the solar gets too little sunlight and can’t produce enough power. Read some of the powertochoose complaints to know what factors are to be considered in choosing an energy provider.

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