
4 Reasons Why People Enjoy Seeing 3D Movies

It seems like every big-budget movie comes with a 3D version these days! As both a visual and narrative art form, movies already have quite a lot to offer in terms of total immersion. You’re enveloped in darkness and watch spectacular events play out on a huge screen, the dramatic noise swooning all around. Now add in the element of 3D visuals, and things really kick up a notch!


1. 3D Movies are Even More Immersive


Remember watching “Avatar” on the big screen with your 3D glasses and feeling like you were right there in Pandora? One of the reasons that 3D movies became so appealing was because we got to experience a cinematic experience rather than just watch a mere movie. After all, we live in a three-dimensional world as it is, so broadening that horizon offers much more. For those few hours, you were truly part of the journey that would be possible with a regular 2D perspective.


2. 3D Movies Have Better Image Quality


Interestingly, 3D movies even have better image quality. It’s not a matter of their pixel count, though. Rather, it comes from the usage of two projectors both displaying the image, which is necessary to construct the three-dimensional aspect of the immersion. Technically, and theoretically, the image quality of the two movies are reduced compared to a traditional cinematic release, but the way that the eyes take in and combine the multiple perspectives enhances the visual outcome.


3. 3D Movies are Still New and Exciting


The technology got its start as a gimmick in the 1950s, but its refined modern-day usage gave it a fresh breath of life that keeps it exciting for film buffs even today. Granted, the options aren’t quite as varied as they were in the 2010s, but that’s probably a good thing; movies are no longer being forced through a 3D lens without considering the experience of the viewer on the other side of the screen. Those still engaging with the technology today have learned how to use it in a way that is met with excitement.


4. 3D Movies Offer Viewers New Perspectives


When you typically watch a movie, the action stays completely flat on the screen. You can see it all with great clarity, but it’s still happening over there. With 3D movies, on the other hand, you can see characters and their movement walk right up to you as you sit in the chair, making you feel like you’re part of the world itself. That’s because you’re technically seeing the movie twice at the same time, each from a slightly different perspective that combines into a perspective unique to you.


It’s been more than 10 years since “Avatar” educated the masses about the potential of 3D movies, and this technology shows no signs of going away. Nor should it; movie buffs still love it! Since then, filmmakers have learned their lessons about engaging with technology more thoughtfully, which means you can only expect better things to come. Before watching your next movie on the big screen, consider choosing a 3D one.

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