Sucker Punch

  • sucker punch box office
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  • Directed By: Zack Snyder
  • Written By: Zack Snyder, Steve Shibuya
  • Release Date: March 25, 2011
  • Domestic Distributor: Warner Bros
  • Cast: Emily Browning, Abbie Cornish, Jena Malone, Oscar Isaac

Box Office Info:
Budget: $82 million Financed by: Warner Bros; Legendary
Domestic Gross: $36,392,502 Overseas Gross: $53,365,887

sucker punch zack snyder
Sucker Punch was announced as a directing project for Zack Snyder only a few days prior to the release of his major breakout hit 300.  It was then pushed aside when WB tapped the filmmaker to helm Watchmen (2009) and then the animated Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole (2010).  Sucker Punch was co-financed by Legendary and Warner Bros for $82 million.

Sucker Punch was dated for March 25, 2011 and the movie was originally going to be converted into 3D, but that was eventually scrapped and instead it was primed for an IMAX release.  An expensive marketing campaign was launched that was strictly designed for fanboys, which mostly featured fetishistic images of young females with guns and Scott Glenn spouting nonsensical fortune cookie dialogue.  Legendary would eventually blame the movie’s box office failure on audiences rejecting a female action hero and not the limited appeal of their trailers or that the movie was simply godawful to most auds.  There were reports that Legendary turned down other projects starring female action heroes because of Sucker Punch.  Keep alienating the female audience at your own peril, boys.

Sucker Punch bowed against Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules and reviews were dreadful.  Just enough fanboys showed up opening weekend, where it pulled in $19,058,199 — placing #2 for the frame led by Wimpy Kid.  Very few fanboys showed up the following weekend and Sucker Punch sank a huge 68.4% to $6,020,403 and tumbled 65.1% in its third frame to $2,102,082.  The domestic run closed with a terrible $36,392,502.

Warner Bros released Sucker Punch overseas with another expensive ad spend to mediocre to poor numbers in most markets and it cumed $53.3 million. The worldwide total stalled at $89.7M and WB would see returned about $49.3M after theaters take their percentage of the gross — which would not even cover half of the P&A expenses or any of the budget.


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