30 Minutes Or Less

  • 30 minutes or less box office
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  • Directed By: Ruben Fleischer
  • Written By: Michael Diliberti, Michael Diliberti, Matthew Sullivan
  • Release Date: August 12, 2011
  • Domestic Distributor: Sony
  • Cast: Jesse Eisenberg, Danny McBride, Aziz Ansari, Nick Swardson

Box Office Info:
Budget: $28 million Financed by: Media Rights Capital
Domestic Box Office: $37,053,924 Overseas Box Office: $3,912,792

Michael Diliberti and Matthew Sullivan’s 30 Minutes Or Less spec script landed on the Black List in 2009 and was picked up by Ben Stiller’s production company Red Hour Films.  Red Hour developed the project and brought it over to financing shingle Media Rights Capital in 2010, where it quickly moved forward.  The budget for 30 Minutes Or Less was $28 million and MRC financed and sold global distribution rights to Sony.  This marked the second pairing between Zombieland director Ruben Fleischer, Jesse Eisenberg and Sony.

30 Minutes or Less was dated for August 12, 2011 and was tracking soft going into release.  After positive audience responses at test screenings, Sony held numerous word of mouth screenings in the weeks leading up to its opening.  The movie was loosely based off of the strange case of Brian Wells, who was a pizza delivery man who had a bomb strapped to his body while robbing a bank and he may or may not have been involved with the setup.  His story ended when he exploded on live network TV.  It’s certainly bizarre enough to be retooled into a dark comedy, but 30 Minutes Or Less was neither dark enough or strange enough to stand out during a crowded summer frame.  Mixed reviews leaning negative certainly did not help.

It bowed against The Help, Final Destination 5 and Glee The 3D Concert Movie.  30 Minutes Or Less disappointed with $13,330,118 — placing #5 for the weekend led by the holdover Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes.  It sank 52% in its second frame to $6,402,602 and then plummeted 58% to $2,687,165  in its third session.  The domestic run closed with $37,053,924.  Sony would see returned about $20.3 million after theaters take their percentage of the gross — which would not cover the P&A expenses.

Sony dumped 30 Minutes Or Less overseas, where it pulled in a mere $3.9 million.

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