
  • Annapolis box office
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  • Directed By: Justin Lin
  • Written By: David Collard
  • Release Date: January 27, 2006
  • Domestic Distributor: Disney (Touchstone)
  • Cast: James Franco, Tyrese Gibson, Jordana Brewster

Box Office Info:
Budget: $26 million Financed by: Disney
Domestic Box Office: $17,127,992 Overseas Box Office: $369,000

“The ones I didn’t really like, although I worked very hard on them, were Tristan & Isolde, this romantic, medieval thing, and Annapolis, the boxing one, and this other one called Flyboys. They all had elements where you could think, ‘OK, yeah, it could be good.’ And it didn’t work out.”
–James Franco

In March 2002, David Collard pitched Annapolis to Disney and the project began to actively move forward with director Justin Lin in April 2004.  Annapolis was financed by Disney for $26 million.  The production was initially going to be filmed in Maryland at the actual Naval Academy but Disney moved it to Pennsylvania one day after the state offered a 20% tax credit, zero state sales tax and free use of state-owned property — which saved the production an estimated $2 million.

Annapolis was dated for January 27, 2006, received terrible reviews and had little buzz going into release.  It bowed against Big Momma’s House 2 and Nanny McPhee and was booked moderately wide into 1,605 theaters.  The opening numbers were a soft $7,681,171 — placing #4 for the weekend led by Big Momma’s House 2.  Annapolis sank 55.5% in its second frame to $3,415,500 and then plummeted 59.7% in its third session to $1,378,020.  The domestic run closed with a poor $17,127,992.  The mouse house would see returned about $9.4M after theaters take their percentage of the gross — which would not cover the P&A spend or any of the budget.

Annapolis was dumped straight to video in almost every overseas market and the recorded offshore theatrical cume was just $369,000.

Annapolis did sell well on home video, which would pad Disney’s loss.  In July 2006, when Disney was pulling in mountains of cash from Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest, Walt Disney Studios chairman Dick Cook announced that Disney would reduce its movie output from around 18 per year to 8 and slash personnel — citing the recent box office misfires Annapolis, Stick It, The Wild and Stay Alive.


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