A Lot Like Love

  • a lot like love box office
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  • Directed By: Nigel Cole
  • Written By: Colin Patrick Lynch
  • Release Date: April 22, 2005
  • Domestic Distributor: Disney (Touchstone)
  • Cast: Ashton Kutcher, Amanda Peet, Ali Larter, Kal Penn

Box Office Info:
Budget: $30 million Financed by: Disney; Beacon Pictures
Domestic Gross: $21,845,719 Overseas Gross: $21,041,000

a lot like love 2005
Beacon Pictures optioned the A Lot Like Love spec script in July 2003 and set the project up at Disney.  Beacon had landed a five year co-financing and distribution arrangement with the mouse house in December 2002, in which Disney would handle distribution duties globally except for Italy, France and Japan markets and Beacon would retain broadcast TV rights.  A Lot Like Love was financed by the two companies for $30 million.  After the picture was completed, Beacon, Disney and Ashton Kutcher segued into the big-budget production of The Guardian.

A Lot Like Love was dated for April 22, 2005 and the marketing could not differentiate the picture from any other interchangeable rom-com recently released.  It bowed against The Interpreter and King’s Ransom.  A Lot Like Love also had direct competition with the rom-com Fever Pitch, which opened two weeks earlier and another rom-com with Kutcher Guess Who was released just four weeks earlier — and had turned into a hit that was pulling auds away from this picture.

A Lot Like Love landed mixed reviews that leaned negative and it disappointed with $7,576,593 — placing #4 for the weekend led by The Interpreter.  The dueling Kutcher movie pulled $3.5M away from Love that session.  It posted a modest 32.9% second frame decline to $5,084,727 and dipped 37.9% to $3,156,096 in its third session, but sank 66.6% in its fourth weekend when the rom-com Monster-in-Law opened.  The domestic run closed with a poor $21,845,719.

A Lot Like Love fared no better in the international market, where it also stalled at $21M, with a small $2,646,490 from the UK as film’s highest offshore number.  The worldwide total was $42.8M and Disney would see returned about $23.5M after theaters take their percentage of the gross — far below global P&A expenses and the theatrical receipts would not dent the budget.

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