
  • hidalgo box office
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  • Directed By: Joe Johnston
  • Written By: John Fusco
  • Release Date: March 5, 2004
  • Domestic Distributor: Disney
  • Cast: Viggo Mortensen, Zuleikha Robinson, Omar Sharif

Box Office Info:
Budget: $100 million Financed by: Disney
Domestic Gross: $67,303,450 Overseas Gross: $40,800,000

hidalgo 2004
Disney financed Hidalgo for north of $100 million and the movie was the first of many major box office disasters for the mouse house in 2004.  Hidalgo ended as a $60 million loss for Disney.  The studio delayed what was expected to be a major tentpole summer 2003 release, to keep it away from another horse movie SeabiscuitHidalgo was moved to October and then pushed back to March 5, 2004 where it would open against Starsky and Hutch.

Reviews were mixed for the swashbuckling throwback and after an expensive marketing campaign Disney booked the picture into 3,063 theaters and it pulled in a slightly better than expected $18,829,435.  It placed #3 for the weekend led by The Passion of the Christ in its second frame.  Hidalgo saw modest weekly declines throughout its run, but closed with a less than blockbuster $67,303,450.

Hidalgo pulled in mostly poor numbers overseas, which it needed to boost the expensive movie out of the red.  Disney saw  just $40.8 million in offshore receipts.  The worldwide total was $108.1 million, leaving Disney with about $59.4 million after theaters take their percentage of the gross, which would not even cover P&A costs.  After Hidalgo, Disney saw The Alamo and Home On The Range bomb a few weeks later, then Raising Helen and Around The World In 80 Days and The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou capped off the year with a huge loss.


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