Just Visiting

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  • Directed By: Jean-Marie Poiré
  • Written By: Christian Clavier, Jean-Marie Poiré, John Hughes
  • Release Date: April 6, 2001
  • Domestic Distributor: Disney (Hollywood Pictures)
  • Cast: Jean Reno, Christina Applegate, Christian Clavier, Tara Reid

Box Office Info:
Budget: $81 million Financed by: Gaumont
Domestic Gross: $4,781,539 Overseas Gross: $11,395,193

Gaumont financed this remake of their 1993 smash hit comedy from France The Visitors (Les visiteurs) with the same director Jean-Marie Poiré and put this into production a year after the critically reviled, but still successful sequel.  Just Visiting was Gaumont’s most expensive film put into production at ₣590 million Francs ($81 million) and Gaumont took a huge $60 million loss on this disaster.

Just Visiting was filmed back in 1999 but collected dust on the shelf, with rumors that the finished product was so terrible that Gaumont didn’t even want to release it.  The US version was re-edited and director Jean-Marie Poiré distanced himself from the cut and claimed he never watched it.

The film screened at the American Film Market for buyers and was passed over and Gaumont brokered a deal with Disney, where the mouse house would give the movie a $15 million P&A spend for Gaumont.  The delayed remake finally opened on April 6, against Along Came a Spider, Blow and Pokemon 3: The Movie and critics gave the movie mostly terrible reviews.  

Just Visiting was a fiasco, opening outside the top 10 at #12 with $2,272,489.  It sank 61.4% to $877,681 in its second frame and promptly lost most of its theater count and closed after five weeks with only $4,781,539.  Disney would see back about $2.5 million after theaters take their percentage of the gross.

Overseas, Just Visiting grossed a miserable $11.3 million, far below the $98 million the original grossed in 1993 and it went straight to video in Italy.

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